Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Many things or One thing

Luke 10:41-41
41"Martha, Martha," the Lord answered, "you are worried and upset about many things, 42but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her."

Today we are so occupied with so many stuffs.
Astro has so many channels I not even know;
Unlimited numbers of websites that I have no idea at all;
Mobile phones, PDAs, Smartphones moreover with those who have Blackberrys, Iphone, Ipad and with Wifi areas and portable modems... we are connected 24 hours 7 days at all times.
Needless to say all the media and entertainment world attracting our daily attention.

I can say that majority of us or all of us are trapped into this busyness. Those mentioned have become part of human life.

Just imagine if the world without them.
There will be more families in the park, picnic by the beach, playing kites, children at the playground with their daddies and mummies.

On the other hand, what if all the Astro channels relate to the Bible; we treasure our mobile phones, smartphones whatever communication media is the Bible.
We carry them everywhere we go, we browse it all the time, we anticipate God speaking to us at every moment, now and then we will pick up and check thinking God would be calling us or texting us... our connection with God is 24 / 7/ 365 without fail.

Our world will be a different world.

May I ask you, "What is the ONE thing Jesus referring to?"

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