Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Is our Service a sign of Love or Power

The higher we grow in numbers the higher the dynamic of the church. True ?
Honestly speaking some kind of pride inside also increases.

Does size matter? Yes, definitely!
We are to populate heaven and storm the gates of hell!

On the other hand, as the process of growing the church over the years, we need to guard our heart as well.
Otherwise we can be too caught up with numbers and deviate from the purpose God has given.

In the other words, the true mark of a successful church may not be the size, power or success but everything that flows from a wellspring of love.

The one element that will last through eternity is love, besides faith and hope.

John 13:34
"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another."

Love is the fruit of the Spirit of God.
Love is kind and is not rude.
Love is kind and is generous.

I once had an opportunity to had a conversation with a minister of a very fast growing congregation.
Asking him what is his current challenges compared to when his congregation is much smaller.
To my surprise his answer was that he used to know everyone in church; now there are many who know him but he doesn't know them. In one incident he recalled that when he was eating in a restaurant one day and somehow the food was not done properly, he made a complaint. Having not happy with the respond of the waitress, he asked for the restaurant manager. Before the manager was being called, the waitress said, "I'm sorry, pastor." He said he really learned something that day!

John 13:35
"By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another."

Application :
Are we who professed the name of the Lord really show love?
and are we marked by the love of the Father or by worldly power and success and pride?

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