Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Who's Glory? Yours or God?

Whenever we do something for God, are we doing for our own glory or God's glory?
I can confess we cannot deny that we did receive some of God's glory when we do something successfully.
However, it is how we re-direct all the praises and the glory back to God the Father.

Honestly speaking, i do enjoy and I believe you too the presence of God's glory that we have taken Him for granted.
How can this be?
A famous quote says, "Familiarity breeds contempt."
I was guilty of assuming His Sprit, His presence instead of seeking Him.

Both OT and NT described how people dishonor the presence and glory of God and then ended up dead!
Story in 2 Sam 6:6-7 told of the account of Uzzah, when the oxen stumbled he took hold of the ark and he got struck dead.
In Acts 5:1-10, another account of Anaias and Sapphira, both struck death because lying in the Holy Spirit.
Two very serious account that took their lives.

Have you ever checked your motives?
Your intentions? or
Good intentions with wrong motives?
Doing the right thing in a wrong way?

We can talk a lot of God's glory than be changed by His glory.
Let's be aware of of own limitations and refuse to accept the glory that is due to God and God alone.

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