Thursday, July 15, 2010

First Love or Second Love

"Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken your first love. Remember the height from which you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first." Rev 2:4-5a

How many love do you have?
Nowadays people can easily fall in love and fall out of love!

What about our love towards God?
Ever remember the first day you set your heart for the Lord Jesus Christ?
How you were broken and needed Him so much?

Today when we have everything we need and want... things, finance, business, entertainment, and even ministry and other material things have become our first love.
Those stuff which meant to blessed us have now robbed you of your time, of your emotions, of your fervor for your family and God.

Where was once your first love now become the second love?
Where have your first love gone to?

For some years ago, ministry has become God to me. Thank God that i have come to recognize that my only source in life and ministry is God Himself and no other!
What happen in ministry is irrelevant!
Our passion, our desire, our longing must stay focus on the Lord Jesus Christ.
When that happens one will never go wrong.

That speaks of our daily diet too.
Our daily bread : the Word of God
Our drinking water : the Sprit of God
Our daily empowerment : the Prayers
Our faith that overcomes
Our air that we breath : His Presence

He is the SOURCE to the every and the very thing in our lives.
Thank you Lord!

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