Thursday, July 1, 2010

Broke or Brokenness

Psalms 51:17
The sacrifices of God are broken spirit, A broken and contrite heart - these, O God, You will not despise.

Doing ministry is never easy and never tough.
On the other hand, ministry could be easy and could be very tough too.
Which angle are you looking from?

Back in the Bible school, you will not be taught how tough ministry can be? Choosing a Bible school that prepares you for REAL life ministry is a vital decision!

No matter how much you pay to attend a Bible school or a seminary or a college, the REAL cost of ministry is paid after your graduation.

You learned the most in REAL life ministry... you learned the most when you make REAL mistake! Not so much of writing the wrong or right answers during your Bible school exam.

So many have been discouraged in ministry.
Ministry chews people up and then spits them out.
There are more stress than ever.
Problems in relationship including family.
Financial lack.
What about mean and stubborn church folks.

The result will be that you will be either really Broke (worn out) or you will reach a place of Brokenness!
A place of Brokenness is the place of God re-shaping us into His image!
Our pride
Our tears
Our strength
Our mind
Our heart
Our soul
Our spirit
God will heal us, He will pour His anointing oil upon us!

Psalms 126:5
Those who sow in tears, Shall reap in joy.

Application :
What stage are you now?

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